Saturday, April 15, 2017

I can be insecure (whaaat?...)

I wanted to share this because I come across people that have problems with themselves all of the time. I want to make sure those people understand that many (not all) people of whom they see as confident and secure are often on a very fine line of doubt.

I appear to have a general "I don't give a butterfly's behind of what you think" attitude. Many people view me as super outgoing and confident, and I appreciate that. But though I have a lot of good days with generally good thoughts, I can't say it's like that all of the time. That's right, I doubt myself. A lot.
These are all things I've thought of myself over many days for the last three years.

"I'm not pretty enough to be a cheerleader."

"I'm far from being as good of a musician as that person, maybe anyone."

"I'm not smart enough to be in this class."

There are days where I can just pick an outfit because it makes me feel like me, but other days I stress about choosing my outfit and putting on my makeup because I want my creation of the day to be beautiful precious work in the eyes of someone else.
I can carry on a conversation at a good pace, but sometimes there are too many words to choose from and I choose the wrong ones. I fixate for hours–possibly days–on my moments of so-called "stupidity", even with members of my family.

I usually remember that I have people in my life that wouldn't trade me for any average-joe stoic, straightforward person. I sometimes feel like I'm burdening someone else with my emotional overload.

I hope for whomever is reading this to understand that as I'm writing this out, I'm thinking to myself what I'd say to another person with doubts about themselves: these things you see as incapabilities don't compare to the vast amount of great things you can do. I believe that for every person I've ever come across with self esteem issues.

Hopefully you can find a way to understand the value you put into this world. If anyone you come across feels this way, please help them realize their strength. <3

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