Sunday, May 7, 2017

I Told Myself: a poem

For many days, I tell myself,
"Their words–they might be true.
You weep because you cannot change
How God created you."

I went to gain a sense of worth
From others' way of words;
The problem with my expectation:
My needs, I never heard.

I longed so, for a better me,
One that's not too loud,
Not too tall, too large, too silly,
Too open, too sassy, too proud.

My heart would have to tug my head
To stand itself back up:
"Among the things you wish could change,
Are some that others love."

I have the strength to tell myself,
"Your confidence make me blush;
If anyone says otherwise,
Don't think you are too much."

"Your body's fine the way it is–
You're tall to touch the sky;
You laugh so loud, so lovely, dear,
So hold your head up high."

To those who long for comfort now,
What I say is true:
Love yourself, for you can't change
How God created you.